A Communication Strategy to ensure public benefit from extractives in UKRAINE

EMPOWERHOUSE was called upon by GIZ to continue the work to develop the communication and outreach work of the UA EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency International) among others by coaching the civil socisty partners in the regions, and by supporting the newly created national team in their communication work.

This work started in 2013, and has been ongoing through half annual workshops and coaching meetings. During this mission, the focus was to facilitate the onward work through three workshops:

  1. One workshop to follow up on work with communication focal points from seven extractive regions June ;
  2. One workshop with the core communication implementation group to review the communication strategy;
  3. A final workshop including the UA EITI communication group from the workshop above, joined by the Director and Finance/Deputy director of the MSG secretariat, to wrap up the review of the communication strategy and to agree on a way forward.

GIZ Ukraine – Communication Strategy Update June 2016 – Final draft report