Strategic Planning with a gender focus at ZACRAS

EMPOWERHOUSE was asked to coach Zimbabwe’s Association of Community Radios (ZACRAS) through a process to develop their new strategic plans. This was done through a participatory process over half a year, involving the ZACRAS board and secretariat, with validation carried out also with the clost to 30 member stations.

ZACRAS wanted to revisit the focus of its work in view of the development of itself and its members, as well as the changes in the environment including a strong gender focus. With powerful presentations on results and lessons learnt in the past, and a deeply participatory couple of days, the framework is in place – ready for the beginning of a new era! Still looking cheerful at the end of two very intense days of strategic planning!

Some participant comments after the Strategic Planning workshop:
“• When seeing the very full programme, I feared that we would not make it – but we did!!! Wow!
• The workshop was well prepared, though need to add more days in the future. Thank you!
• Important opportunity to critically interact with work! Good that the facilitator was flexible and allowed time for an unforeseen debate on “What is the role of ZACRAS today?” as it appeared an open question and kept popping up. Thank you for providing space and flexibly managing!
• Amazed at the amount of work put into the result we have before us today – in just two days! Not normal to manage so much in two days!
• Generally I am very impressed with how the two days were spent in coming up with a draft strategic plan. The facilitator knows her stuff. Thank you for inspiring me.
• A very good start of this process, which will continue intensely the next two months. Great! Very happy that the process does not end here! With this process the work started here will end up in a solid document!
• I did not know much about strategic planning – but these days have totally demystified it!
• We have now been equipped to be good facilitators for similar processes in the field!
• A very useful process which enabled me to interact with our work in a more critical way. Thank you!

Thank you to all of you, team!!!