EMPOWERHOUSE On-line Courses

On-line courses are a highly cost-efficient way of providing in-depth training to a large number of participants, who can listen, carry out assignments, and discuss without having to leave their work place. EMPOWERHOUSE offers on-line courses “off the rack” as well as tailor made for the specific needs of customers. All EMPWERHOUSE on-line courses provide weekly lectures, work assignments, feed-back sessions and access to an on-line discussion forum, where participants can network and obtain guidance and coaching by their peers as well as the facilitator.

On-line course on ”Community voices….”

Establishing and sustaining an empowering community radio that promotes the rights of all groups, strengthens public accountability, and acts as a catalyst for local, community-driven development, is not a quick fix that can follow a simple blue print. At all stages of the development there are important traps – which can be avoided if the experience and lessons learned with community radios is drawn upon. This course builds on the EMPOWERHOUSE publication “Empowerment Radio – Voices Building Communities”.

Learning objectives:

The training course will enable participant to acquire the knowledge and skills required to

  • Develop community ownership in and around the community radio through community mapping, mobilisation and organisation;
  • Organise, structure and manage a participatory development and empowerment radio;
  • Mobilise and organise community volunteer broadcasters,
  • Identify the technical configuration you need and how to manage this in the community;
  • Identify the important issues and priority themes in the community and develop skills to turn these into effective radio programmes,
  • Address sustainability issues and develop partnerships with the relevant stakeholders.

Target groups:

  • Local facilitators and mobilisers
  • Community radio staff
  • Community radio network staff
  • Government officials responsible for national planning
  • Donors and organisations who want to support empowerment
  • Academics and students


875 US$ per participant (special group discounts can be agreed upon)

On-line course ”Strategic Communication”

“Strategic Communication Planning for Action and Change” provides a thorough introduction on how to achieve the results you want from your communication activities through a straight-forward, systematic, step-by-step approach. The course consists of five weekly modules, and includes audio presentations and visual models and tools, weekly assignments, and participation in a moderated on-line forum.

Learning objectives:

At the end of the course you have the full framework in place of a systematic and effective communication strategy, including

  • Identification of your communication objective based on an understanding of the context and environment in which you are operating,
  • Mapping your core audiences,
  • Defining the information needs of your audiences and the core messages to share,
  • Identifying the most important and effective communication channels – within your budget,
  • Selecting appropriate programme formats and content;
  • Incorporating appropriate and helpful advocacy, social mobilisation and communication for social change processes, products and events; and
  • Planning for an effective monitoring process, to meet your communication objectives.

Target groups:

This course is highly relevant for everyone who

  • is responsible for communication in your organization, institute or company,
  • is planning a strategic communication process
  • is studying communication and would like to add this practical knowledge and experience to a more theoretic background,
  • would like to add strategic communication planning to her or his area of knowledge and experience and skills profile

Price: 650 US$ per participant (special group discounts can be agreed upon)

Tailor-made on-line courses

EMPOWERHOUSE can prepare tailor-made on-line courses for specific customer or participant requirements within our areas of expertise, including

  • Media development
  • Community Radio
  • Strategic Communication
  • Civil Society
  • Women’s Rights and Gender
  • Impact Assessment
  • Community Radio Sustainability with a focus on financial sustainability
  • Results-Based Management

Specific content, course elements, duration, complementary services (on-line forum, individual coaching and sparring, etc.) to be agreed on for each specific case.

Price per course or per participant to be agreed on.