EMPOWERHOUSE on site courses

EMPOWERHOUSE has vast experience in preparing and facilitating on-site courses for both end users and trainers. On-site courses allow a deep, concentrated and immediately shared learning experience to limited groups of participants. EMPOWERHOUSE combines lectures on concepts and approaches with rich examples from real cases and hands-on facilitated work assignments, in which participants apply tools and produce immediately useable outputs. EMPOWERHOUSE offers several “off the rack” on-site courses as well as courses tailored to the specific needs of participants and customers.

On site course on Community Radio Management

This workshop will be tailored to the specific needs of the group requesting such an on-site course.

The objectives of the workshop

For a group of community radio management teams the objectives could be:

  • To position community radio within the broader framework of communication for development,
  • To equip participants with the skills for effective community radio management with community participation and ownership,
  • Help the radio identify its own particular profile, vision and development path, preparing for well managed community radios,
  • To explore with the participants, how to best ensure Community-based programming in the future: how to involve members in program production?
  • To provide an in-depth understanding of sustainability models and ways forward,
  • To ready the community radio leadership for subsequent serious reform needs possibly identified.

Who can benefit from the workshop

  • community radio management teams
  • community radio boards
  • community radio networks
  • community radio consultants
  • community radio facilitators and supporters (NGOs, bilateral or multilateral agencies)
  • community radio funding partners
  • national authorities engaging in creating the legal, enabling environment for community radio

How will the workshop be implemented

The workshop will be tailored to the specific needs of the requesting group. One general rule, however, is that the results from such a learning process will increase dramatically when using the workshop to design a concrete way forward. For this reason people and groups leaving this workshop will bring with then a plan for how to implement the essence of the course in their reality.


will depend on the framework agreed, case by case. Contact EMPOWERHOUSE for a proposal: mail@empowerhouse.dk


On site course on Results-Based Management

Results-based management (RBM) has become THE established way of designing, implementing, monitoring, reporting on and making funding decisions on projects, programmes, initiatives, partnerships, etc.

Objectives of the workshop

If well done, RBM helps project designers think the motivation of their planned intervention through from the outset; helps to integrate an intervention firmly into its relevant context; allows project managers to keep their eyes on the areas of core importance; facilitates reporting and communicating on a project and programme in a meaningful and goal-oriented way; and promotes the structured learning of lessons, timely adaptation, and achievement of intended results despite changing environments and working conditions.


The RBM course can be provided in two forms:
(1) Normally as a combination of a training course and a workshop, where participants produce concrete project or programme result frameworks and monitoring plans. This combination normally has a duration of three days.
(2) The training course can also be provided ‘in abstract’, with a duration of two days.

Learning objective

both versions of this on-site course will enable participant to acquire the knowledge and skills required to:

  • Analyse their present situation, and define a goal to be achieved
  • Preparation of a realistic intervention strategy
  • Prepare a realistic strategy for the management of relevant risks to their intervention
  • Understand the importance of indicators, the qualities of SMART indicators, and how to identify them
  • Setting targets that are both sufficiently ambitious and realistic
  • Define how to monitor if an intervention is making the desired progress.

Target groups

The course and workshop on Results-Based Management is made for:

  • Managers of community media, civil society or government institutions planning to develop a project, programme, or campaign
  • Initiators of projects, programmes and campaigns preparing their fundraising efforts and their communication with potential donors
  • Project managers in charge of implementation, monitoring of and reporting on their projects
  • Donors and organisations who want to support empowering initiatives, and feel that despite previous training on results-based management and logical framework they could use a refresher and an approach that focusses on the heart of a project rather than on mechanics
  • Academics and students who seek to complement theoretical research with practical understanding of how development and change can be promoted in practice.


Prices for training-cum-workshop and for a training only depend on the location, number of participants or participating groups, potential pre-course preparation and post-course follow-up, etc. For a specific offer, please contact mail@empowerhouse.dk

Tailor-made on-site courses

EMPOWERHOUSE has vast experience in providing on-site courses both for end-users as well as for trainers.

EMPOWERHOUSE can prepare tailor-made on-site courses for specific customer or participant requirements within its areas of expertise, including

  • Media development
  • Community Radio
  • Strategic Communication
  • Civil Society
  • Women’s Rights and Gender
  • Impact Assessment
  • Community Radio Sustainability with a focus on financial sustainability
  • Results-Based Management

Specific content, course elements, duration, complementary services (on-line forum, individual coaching and sparring, etc.) to be agreed on for each specific case.

Price per course or per participant to be agreed on.