Community Radio Management

– A 5-day workshop 

The below framework is a sample, which can be adjusted to meet particular needs and challenges identified locally.


Depending upon the participants in a workshop, the approach and content will be adjusted. Participants benefiting from a community radio management course could be the following categories:

  • community radio management teams
  • community radio boards
  • community radio networks
  • community radio consultants
  • community radio facilitators and supporters (NGOs, bilateral or multilateral agencies)
  • community radio funding partners
  • national authorities engaging in creating the legal, enabling environment for community radio

The objectives

For a group of community radio management teams the  objectives could be:

  • To position community radio within the broader framework of communication for development,
  • To equip participants with the skills for effective community radio management with community participation and ownership,
  • Help the radio identify its own particular profile, vision and development path, preparing for well managed community radios,
  • To explore with the participants, how to best ensure Community-based programming in the future: how to involve members in program production?
  • To provide an in-depth understanding of sustainability models and ways forward,
  • To ready the community radio leadership for subsequent serious reform needs possibly identified.


  • Profiling Community radio within the broader framework of communication for development,
  • Community Radio: a reflection of the community – the many different shapes and forms,
  • Community Radio management for sustainability: Social, organisational, financial,
  • Community participation and ownership of community radio: ways forward through community mapping, understanding the community, planning,
  • Organising the community radio,
  • Building capacity for sustainability: turning the community station into a ‘learning station’,
  • The strategic plan as the skeleton of a healthy radio,
  • Building the partnership strategy that will move your plans forward,
  • Community-based research: monitoring and impact assessment – way forward,
  • Adapting the discussions into action plans,
  • the end of the workshop, the participants will have , An overall understanding of the role their community radio can play in the community
  • An action plan (written up) on how to get there, step by step, including:
    o A mobilisation plan for the community
    o A plan for generating a community radio organisation including editorial production (cum action) groups
    o A capacity building plan for the community broadcasters
    o A good understanding and a plan for how to develop community leadership from board over management of the radio to the community groups
    o How to lead a participatory strategic planning exercise in the community, to include all of the above
  • A strong network made up by the participants, knowing who have which special competencies for sharing.