Media Development

Media Development is at the core of the EMPOWERHOUSE mandate and experience. EMPOWERHOUSE engages in efforts to develop the capacity and quality of the media sector within a specific country or region, and helps the development of free and independent media in countries around the world.

EMPOWERHOUSE works with Media Development in the following ways:

  • Researching, mapping and presenting media landscapes and enabling frameworks for planning media development programmes, legal reform, advocacy and action,
  • Planning and managing media development programmes,
  • Organisational development of individual media and their networks with a focus on increased sustainability and impact,
  • Strategic planning for systematic and coherent development of media houses and organisations,
  • Developing capacity in media houses or networks of media as well as in national or regional capacity building programmes. Focus on in-house, holistic capacity building, as well as training,
  • Evaluating, reviewing and assessing impact of media programmes and media houses.

The EMPOWERHOUSE portfolio of experience in Media Development includes the following:

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – FESmedia Africa
2022: Researcher and author of two policy publications within fesmedia Africa’s Perspectives series on “Community Radio’s role in sub-Saharan Africa”: (i) Com-munity Media for Development and Change; (ii) Community Media for communi-ty-driven access and rights”, including focus of community radio’s potential as a platform to address and help preserve the intangible cultural heritage – and with it local community traditions, languages and cultures.
European Commission
2022-24: Programme manager E3J – with RSF, FPU, COPEAM, COMMIT on behalf of CMFE, a two-year project to increase access for all media actors via a single entry to each other, to existing and new networks – for a free press. Core focus area for our organisation is Public Health and MIL in/through community media.
Eastern European Partnership
International Media Support
2020-2021: Member of the Independent Selection Committee of the New Democracy Fund (NDF), with a mandate to contribute to ensuring an open and transparent evaluation and approval process of the two funds under the NDF. Countries eligible are: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
TANA/Swedish Embassy, Liberia
2021: Team-leader of a Liberia Media Landscape Assessment, focusing on if and how Sweden can strengthen independent, professional media and its role in enhancing and protecting human rights, transparency and accountability.
Council of Europe
2019: Expert participation in the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) with responsibility for community media.
2017: Plan and lead a workshop on development of Communication and Visibility strategies, as well as moderation of management review and development of network programme of the six participating journalism training institutes.
Tanzania / homebased
Dar Es Salaam
2017: Develop UNESCO’s capacity building programme for Community Radio Stations in Tanzania. Lead responsible for Needs Assessment of 18 stations in preparation of capacity building programme. Facilitate participatory workshop with UNESCO team, potential future trainers and mentors as well as the new Tanzanian community media network.
2017: Facilitate Leadership and management workshop for the SE Asia Media Training Network, focusing on the sharpening of capacity among young and upcoming leaders profiles in the Journalism Training Institutes of the network.
2017: Support conceptual development for enhanced M&E strategies (including Appreciative Inquiry), plan and facilitate workshops on Strategic and Business planning
2017: Carry out organisational review of Cambodia Communication Institute and facilitate strategic planning exercise, write up strategic plan, business plan and conceptual implementation notes for strategic objectives.
2015-2016: Coordination of a consolidation ‘Transformation of Provincial TV in Vietnam’ package, overseeing development of training package, upload on VJTC (Vietnamese Journalist Training Centre) website in English and Vietnamese. Take part in seminars with TV managers, editors and journalists in Hanoi
2015: Assessment of rural information and communication needs in Myanmar with a view to recommend ways and means to meet the important gaps.
2015: Facilitation of preparation of project extension for Sustainability Activities following on from Journalism Training Project for local TV in Vietnam
2015: Teamleader of end of programme review of the IMS ‘Media Development in Support of Democratic Governance & National Reconciliation in Myanmar’ Programme
2014: Teamleader of the final review of Journalism training programme to local TV stations in Vietnam
International Media Support
2014: Analysis of IMS’ past practice in support to radio, and assistance to IMS in clarifying future strategic focus and priorities based on lessons learnt
Fojo Media Institute
2013: Development of Knowledge Management Information System framework for Swedish Media Development Support in Zimbabwe, Strategic Planning, RBM advice.
2013: Teamleader of midterm-review of Journalism training programme to local TV stations in Vietnam.
Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Swaziland
2013: Teamleader of appraisal mission to selected countries in Southern Africa for the upcoming, proposed programme document for support by Nordic Donors to the regional secretariat of MISA, Media Institute of Southern Africa.
2013: Design of media component in Democratic Governance Programme between the Danish Embassy in Niger and the Niger Government
Norwegian embassy
2012: Teamleader of review of support to IMS management of Norwegian support to the independent media in Zimbabwe 2010-2012.
Media Diversity Institute
2011: Finalisation of project result framework and elaboration of LFA
International Media Support
2011: Elaboration of project document for Media Development Programme in Libya.
Equal Access
2011: Programme formulation for USAid supported Media Assistance Programme in Mozambique to strengthen independent media.
International Media Support
2010: Elaboration of effective evaluation methodology and tools, statistics, reporting.
Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Azerbaijan
2010: “Media and Democracy Programme: Central, Eastern Europe, Caucasus” – review of IMS ENR programme
2010: Elaboration of ‘How To Note’ on Freedom of Expression and Independent Media.
Zimbabwe, South Africa
International Media Support
2009: Teamleader of review of one of three Zimbabwean exile radio stations: content analysis and impact assessment, elaborate forward-looking development strategies
Fojo Media Institute
2009: Capacity building of Birzeit Media Development Center management team in the areas of RBM and LFA. Training and coaching. Finalise programme proposal.
Fojo Media Institute
2008/09: Elaboration of RBM system around new MENA media development programme. Facilitation of workshop with regional partners: intro to RBM and validation of LFA
Fojo Media Institute
2008: Coaching of a team of Birzeit University Media Development Centre in revision of strategic plan, elaboration of sustainability strategy
PROMEDIA – Communication for sustainable development
2008/09: Coaching of a team of media practitioners in elaboration of strategic plan and sustainability /partnership strategy
Equal Access
2008: Elaboration of media landscape map with a focus on Community Media to identify key media players to work with for project implementation. In addition: preparation of recruitment process and identification of project staff and development of implementation proposals.
Equal Access
2008: Elaboration of media landscape map with a focus on Community Media to identify key media players to work with for project implementation. In addition: preparation of recruitment process and identification of project staff and development of implementation proposals.
Norwegian Embassy
2008: Teamleader of review mission and appraisal of new project description. Information and communication audit. Assessment of team capacity, elaboration of proposal for management of new organisation.
GlobalWorld Bank Institute2007: Drafting articles and case studies for publication ‘Broadcasting, Voice and Accountability’ (published May 2008)
Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania
2006: Lake Victoria Programme: Teamleader of evaluation of 4 year regional training programme in environmental journalism at Makerere University: Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania.
Fojo Media Institute
2005: Facilitation of a participatory strategic planning process for further development and sustainability of national mid-career journalism training institute in Palestine. Products: strategic plan, partnership strategy and a Logframe for a SIDA project.
West Africa
Plan International
2005: Media & Communication on Children’s Rights: Backstopping the development of tools for monitoring and evaluation of children’s radio programmes in West Africa within ‘Kids Waves’ Radio Project.
2005: Teamleader of evaluation of a nine year project to develop a Mid-career journalism training institute in Palestine. Tracer study, impact assessment, donor mapping.
2004 – 2006: Technical Advice, Media development and Project Management: Continued support to and backstopping of below project and three annual missions to monitor and lead concept development, planning and sustainable phasing-out.
1998 – 2004: Chief Technical Adviser, Media Development Project in Mozambique (Ø Management and Leadership of 14 person implementation teamØ Developed strategies, concepts and implementation methods for:
o      National public broadcaster with ten provincial delegations
o      Independent print media sector
o      Community Radio – one by one and as a cooperating sector
o      School of Journalism
o      Short term Journalism training courses
o      Participatory strategic management coaching of media houses
o      Strategies for strengthening the role of women in the media
o      Strengthened HIV/AIDS coverage in national media including development of national HIV/AIDS communication strategy
o      Sustainability and Partnership strategies in various contexts
o      Work with a variety of partners and organisations at all levels
o      Management of USD 14 mio budget (incl. fundraising assistance)
1998: Teamleader of mid-term review of REDET II (Research and Education for Democracy), Tanzania. Responsible for review of Media activities and co-responsible for Development Communication aspects of Education, in charge of report-writing.
1997/98: Teamleader of pre-appraisal and strategic planning for the consolidation of Media Institute of Southern Africa, based in Windhoek, Namibia. Work included desk pre-appraisal, two planning-cum-advisory missions to MISA chapters and head office.
Southern Africa
1997/98: Teamleader of appraisal: application from Media Institute of Southern Africa, Windhoek, Namibia
Senegal, Mali, France
1997: Teamleader of joint mission with Dutch DGIS: Joint Review of PANOS Programme for Information Pluralism in Western Africa
Namibia, Zambia, Tanzania, Swaziland
1996: Tripartite Review of Media Institute of Southern Africa, Namibia, representing Danida
Kyrgyz Republic
1996: Teamleader of midterm review of Women in Media Network of Central Asia
Kyrgyz Republic
1996: Teamleader of review of Radio Max, Almaty
Baltic Sea Region
Baltic Media Centre
1993 – 1996: Head of Information Department, In charge of development of strategies for support to transition from government media to public /community media in the emerging democracies of the Baltic Countries, Russia and Poland. Development of networks for a strengthened co- operation and exchange across the Baltic through preparation of newsletter, information packages and other soft marketing activities; developed the BMC contact mediation service; developed strategies for local representation in co-operation countries. Managed planning of Baltic TV & Film Festival. In charge of the documentation centre. Centrally involved in the development of the centre’s management systems, training, study visits, organisational development

EMPOWERHOUSE publications on Media Development include:

2015“Quand des voix construisent la communauté: Radios communautaires et empowerment”, par Birgitte Jallov, in Marie-France Soleil (ed.): “Vingt-cinq années et une vie”. Karthage.
2014“Reflections on a two-week global LinkedIn debate: Community participation for radio financial sustainability” by Birgitte Jallov and A. Sofie Jannusch, In: Glocal Times, # 21.
2014“With the FM system in your Pocket – informing, entertaining, saving lives!” by Birgitte Jallov. An MICT pamphlet on Radio in Development. MICT.
2012“EMPOWERMENT RADIO – Voices building a community”, by Birgitte Jallov
236 pages, Published by EMPOWERHOUSE.
2010“How-to Note” on Freedom of Expression and Independent Media, Published by Danida
2009“Building Communication for Empowerment: C4E pilots assess media voice and inclusion” by Birgitte Jallov in: Measuring Change II. Cameco.
2009“Getting your support to community media right” and “Community Research for Community Media Sustainability” in “Community Media Sustainability Guide: The Business of Changing Lives”, Internews, 2009
2008“Now we are seen as real human beings” and “Setting agenda of public concern” in: “Whose Voices – Media and Pluralism in the Context of Democratization”. Uppsala University, Sweden
2007“Most Significant change. A tool to document community radio impact” in: Measuring Change. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Media and Development Cooperation. CAMECO, 2007
2007“Women & Community Radio in Mozambique” Feminist Media Studies, Sept ‘07
2007“Pioneering Community-run Radio in Laos: The Khoun Community Radio Station” Photo Essay in: MAZI 14, the electronic newsletter of the CFSC Consortium.
2006“Voice, participation and empowerment – using community radio”. Report to the World Bank Institute.
2005“Assessing community change: development of a ‘bare foot’ impact assessment methodology” in: Radio Journal Vol. 3.1, July 2005.
2004“Community Radio for Empowerment and Change” in: Journal for Development Communication, December 2004
2004“Participation by Community Radios in Civic Education and Electoral Coverage. The Experience of the Community Radios in Mozambique’s 2003 Local Elections. Specific Cases of: Dondo, Chimoio and Cuamba” by Acia Sales. Commissioned, designed and supervised by Birgitte Jallov on behalf of UNESCO Mozambique
2003“Creating and Sustaining ICT Projects in Mozambique”, in “The One to Watch -Radio, new ICTs and interactivity”, FAO.
2001“Creating Sustainable Community Radio – a Major Challenge”, Mozambique
1999“Community Radio Mushrooming in Mozambique”, Interradio, AMARC
1996“Women’s Voices Crossing Frontiers – 1996 European Directory of Women Community Radio Stations and Women’s Radio Production Collectives”, editor and writer of Introductory article. Published by AMARC Europe.
1995“Using Communication Techniques to Diversify Women’s Training a Employment.” A manual with video examples. ILO, Geneva.
1992“Women on the Air – Community Radio as a Tool for Feminist Messages” In ‘The People’s Voice’ ed. by Nick Jankowski, Ole Prehn and James Stappers.
1986“Village Video for Women” and “Women will have to Reinvent Communication”. Publications of: “ KULU-Women & Development”.
1983“Women on the Air”. On Women and Community Radio in Europe. RUC
1982“A counter-image in Sound. A method for Empowering Radio Production for Women.” Thesis. Roskilde University Centre.
