Research, Facilitation, Training

An important part of the EMPOWERHOUSE portfolio is to carry out research, to teach and train, and to facilitate major meetings and conferences. EMPOWERHOUSE works and engages with capacity building as part of most assignments and work areas, whether it is in connection with planning interventions, implementing or evaluating these. Whether skills-focused short term training, teaching as part of longer term educational processes or coaching as part of ongoing strengthening of capacity and quality, EMPOWERHOUSE always strives to work on the basis of existing capacity and to ensure that interventions are relevant and sustainable in view of local realities. Growing out of extensive experience with training and teaching, EMPOWERHOUSE is moving successfully into Conference Facilitation as a discipline in itself.

EMPOWERHOUSE works with Research and teaching, training and conference facilitation like this:

  • Research is a component of practically all EMPOWERHOUSE work, whether it is the planning of a training course or an educational intervention, preparation of an article, advice on an ongoing media or communication activity, preparing a strategic communication intervention or an evaluation. EMPOWERHOUSE carries out its assignments based on a respect for the reality in question, the history and objectives, and with an eye to ensure that the result of the EMPOWERHOUSE engagement is sustainable through adequate capacity being built and linkage with appropriate structures,
  • EMPOWERHOUSE carries out training on issues related to media development and community media including: organisational development, strategic communication, women’s rights and gender, sustainable community radio and evaluation & impact assessment,
  • EMPOWERHOUSE offers online training courses in various issues related to our main mandate and area of expertise. Tailor-made courses can be developed upon request for closed, dedicated audiences or as open training courses.
  • EMPOWERHOUSE collaborates with universities in development of Communication for Development courses as well as master courses in Strategic communication for development and change.
  • EMPOWERHOUSE is recognized as a powerful and effective conference facilitator, keeping all the ‘balls in the air’, facilitating panels and engagement from the room effectively as well as organising, leading and making good use of results in overall conference proceedings.

The EMPOWERHOUSE portfolio of experience in the area of Research and Teaching, Training and Conference Facilitation includes the following:

2023-24 – conference planner and co-convenor: Conceptual development and planning of one day all-European conference with a focus on community media as platforms for community engagement, MIL and public health literacy
FESmedia Africa
2023 – lead community media expert in ‘Information and Communication Rights in Africa 2023 Conference’:
2023 – Keynote speaker in 40-year anniversary celebration of community media in Denmark (as one of the midwives and pioneers of the movement in Denmark)
International Media Support
2022: Elaboration of MIL awareness raising programme to be implemented by the Moldovan Librarians’ Association. Design includes development of manual, training materials, programme and conduct of training in Chisinau.
2022 – 2023: Part of multi-year process in Community Media Expert Group convened by CAMECO to develop effective methodology-tool for assessing sustainability and impact of local media in – initially – Africa.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – FESmedia Africa
2022: Researcher and author of two policy publications within fesmedia Africa’s Perspectives series on “Community Radio’s role in sub-Saharan Africa”: (i) Com-munity Media for Development and Change; (ii) Community Media for communi-ty-driven access and rights, including focus of community radio’s potential as a platform to address and help preserve the intangible cultural heritage – and with it local community traditions, languages and cultures.
European Commission
2022-24: Programme manager E3J – with RSF, FPU, COPEAM, COMMIT on behalf of CMFE, a two-year project to increase access for all media actors via a single entry to each other, to existing and new networks – for a free press. Core focus area for our organisation is Public Health and MIL in/through community media.
2021/23: Trainer, facilitator, partner in European programme to map, analyse and extract best practice in Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in community radio (MILES).
Eastern European Partnership
International Media Support
2021: Member of the Independent Selection Committee of the New Democracy Fund (NDF), with a mandate to contribute to ensuring an open and transparent evaluation and approval process of the two funds under the NDF. Countries eligible are: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
2021/22: Responsible for organisational development support and facilitation of CSOs within the Swedish Embassy’s programme for strengthening the Civil Society in Moldova. Special focus on the Librarians’ association and union.
Bornholm’s youth school
2020/21: Initiator, developer and programme manager of an internet platform-based youth radio: ‘Bornholms Ungdomsradio’ (approach, design, training and implementation). Developed for/with Bornholm’s youth school (Ungdomsskole).
Radio Hellebro
2020: Initiator and developer of internet platform-based ‘Homeless Youth Radio’. Developed in close cooperation with youths using the services of the Hellebro establishment (development of the concept, approach, design, facilitation and implementation). (
2020: Lead responsible for developing training course for CSOs in ‘Advocacy Communication’ an ‘Internal Communication and Coordination’. Trained a Coalition of CSOs working in the fields of GBV and women’s rights advocacy, resulting in advanced drafts of strategies for internal communication; Advocacy and external communication.
Global- Europe
UNESCO Chair on Community Media
2020: Lead in conceptualization, development, hosting and evaluation of a series on online dialogues on development of community media globally in and around the Corona period – and beyond. With Hyderabad-based UNESCO Chair on Community Media.
2020: Development of online training courses for CSOs in organisational development and strategic planning as well as in Financial Sustainability.
2019: Team leader of participatory process to develop IAWRT’s (International Association of Women in Radio and TV) first strategic plan.
Southern and Eastern Africa
2018-2019: Lead researcher in nine-months assignment to develop a diagnostic assessment of C4D in 21 country programming and operational structures in UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa. Development of operational guideline.
MFA, Germany
2018: Contribution to process of developing community media in Ukraine. Taking part in International Conference for experience sharing and inspiration. Key-note
Niger / Sahel
IMS, Danida
2018: High-level Community Media Expert input to IMS Sahel Regional Meeting in Niamey. Implementation recommendations, best practice, tools and techni-ques for sustainability and change. Separate session on financial sustainability.
2018: Team leader planning and implementation a 10-day Training-of-Trainers-and-Mentors to implement Capacity building programme built up earlier 2017-2018 for UNESCO community and local radio partners. Elaborate onward roadmap for clustered training workshops and station-by-station mentoring processes. Support materials developed for the whole process.
2018: Conference moderation including leadership of section on ‘Rural women and the Media’, organisational development and strategic planning of IAWRT and community media discussion with field visit to Mama FM.
2018: Lead in a ‘community radio for empowerment’ agenda through organisa-tion of workshops, meetings and participation in management summary work-shops of the SBCC Summit, April 2018. (Social Behaviour Change Communication)
2018: Team leader in the participatory board process to develop a first strategic plan for the Community Media Forum Europe.
IMS / Scandina-vian countries
2018: Assessment and advisory services around the situation of the community radio component of the IMS media development programme in Myanmar. Elaboration of onward roadmaps for sustainable community radio.
Tanzania / Homebased
Dar Es Salaam
2018: Lead strategist and developer: Follow-up to 2017 start-up process for capacity building of community radio stations: Prepare 2 training packages including manuals, slides, tools, exercises and notes for facilitators on Management and Organisation with Strategic Planning for Community Media; as well as one on Communication and Visibility for radio stations.
SE Asia
2017: Lead facilitator in Leadership and Management workshop for the SE Asia Media Training Network, focusing on the sharpening of capacity among young and upcoming leader profiles in the Journalism Training Institute network.
SE Asia
2017: Lead planner and conceptual developer of enhanced M&E strategies (including Appreciative Inquiry), planned and facilitated workshops on Strategic and Business planning.
SE Asia
2017: Plan and lead a workshop on development of Communication and Visibility strategies, as well as moderation of management review and development of network programme of the six participating journalism training institutes.
Tanzania / homebased
Dar Es Salaam
2017: Develop UNESCO’s capacity building programme for Community Radio Stations in Tanzania. Lead responsible for Needs Assessment of 18 stations in preparation of capacity building programme. Facilitate participatory workshop with UNESCO team, potential future trainers and mentors as well as the new Tanzanian community media network.
2017: Team leader of organisational review of Cambodia Communication Institute and facilitate strategic planning exercise, write up strategic plan, business plan and conceptual implementation notes for strategic objectives.
Tanzania / homebased
Dar Es Salaam
2017: Carry out assessment and evaluation of consulting companies bidding to carry out strategic planning exercise for a new Network of Community Radio stations. Advise to community media unit on development of capacity building programme.
2017: Carry out (internal) review of my own organisation and strengthen business profile and website.
2017: Facilitate participatory review process of strategic plan and support finalisation of updated strategy. Develop public version of the Annual Report.
2016/17: Formulate two concept papers for a media development project. One outlining a contextual, strategic and systematic approach to work with advancement of Community Radio in Myanmar; another one outlining an approach to carry out pilot start-up of gender-focused community radio in rural areas of Myanmar.
Malmö University
2016: Plan and facilitate 2-day workshop on ‘Communication Planning for Action and Change’
Malmö University
2014: Lecturer, Lead two-day seminars for Master Education in ComDev on Communication Planning and Action, Evaluation of ComDev (Communication for Development)
GiZ for International Tax Compact / European Commission / World Bank Group
2014: Main facilitator, Leadership and moderation of ITC/EC/WBG International Conference 2014 on Taxation of Extractive Industries, Brussels
International Media Support
2014, Analysis of IMS’ past practice in support to radio, and assistance to IMS in clarifying future strategic focus and priorities based on lessons learnt
Media in Cooperation and Transition – International
2014: Researcher and author: Elaboration of a concept paper on the potential of radio in development and fragile states
2010: Facilitator, moderation of three roundtables, panel discussions on community radio monitoring and evaluation, community radio Wiki, and community radio networks.
University of Malmö
2008: Lecturer, Assistance in the revision and planning of 2009 Strategic Planning Course. Lecture and coaching of students in their first weekend seminar in the internet-mediated Strategic Communication Planning course
Mozambique, Madagascar, Ghana, Lao PDR, Nepal
CFSCConsortium and UNDP Oslo Governance Centre
2007 – 2009: Sole consultant, Project management, in-country coordination and planning for the pilot testing of a ’Communication for Empowerment’ methodology; elaboration of national ’Information & Communication Audits’ in three African and two-three Asian countries.
World Bank Institute
2007: Researcher and author, Part of a team drafting articles and case studies for the publication ‘Broadcasting, Voice and Accountability’, published in May 2008.
University of Malmö
2006 – 2009: Curriculum planner and lecturer, Development of Master Study on Strategic Communication Planning for Communication for Development. Internationally oriented web-based distance learning master programme. Organisation, planning, lecturing and examination.
Desk -based
International Media Support
2005: Planning and coordination of Zimbabwe Media Support Round Table
Plan International
2005/06: Programme Coordinator for International Children’s Media Festival, Kick-starting work to develop programme, profile and content of festival to take place in Mali June ’06 with innovative children’s media & communication initiatives.

1998 – 2004: Chief Technical Adviser, Media Development Project in Mozambique (

Responsible for research and capacity building:

  • Carried out ongoing coaching of 14 project staff members in all areas from accounting over website management, newsletter production and physical as well as electronic filing, to working with RBM, effective reporting and documentation, fundraising and donor relations,
  • Formulated, contracted and backstopped extensive research in and around the media sector in Mozambique including: Media Pluralism Landscape, Background for further development of the school of journalism, Women’s role in the media and how to improve it, How to work effectively with HIV/AIDS in the national and community media. (for more see:,
  • Mapped the capacity strengthening needs in the budding community radio sector, designed the courses, developed curricula and materials, recruited and trained coaches and trainers, carried out an elaborate impact assessment / documentation research to ensure ongoing improvement for sustainability,
  • Backstopped and extensive programme of short term Journalism training courses
  • Designed and oversaw a participatory strategic management coaching process of media houses.

Responsible for planning, leading and moderating national conferences and festivals:

  • Planned, opened and moderated 5 major national community radio festivals in different parts of Mozambique,
  • Planned and moderated national conferences, seminars on media development issues with senior Government officials and the diplomatic corps of Mozambique
Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania
County of Bornholm
1996/98: Training consultant, Development, execution, evaluation of training courses: Project design and Project Management (including LFA and RBM); Evaluation; Gender sensitive reporting; Communication Planning; Internal Communication; Public Information.
Roskilde University Centre
1996 – 1998: Lecturer and coordinator, InterKomm+, a pioneer, pilot computer-mediated distance learning programme in Communication Studies at Masters Degree level. Organised under Open University by RUC. Lectured among others graphic design and lay-out, communication for social change. Was social councillor for distance learning participants.
Europe-focus, desk-based
1996: Researcher, Produced directory: “Women’s Voices Crossing Frontiers”, of Women’s community radio in Europe: concept development; fundraising; editing; writing of introductory article on women in community radio in Europe; production; and distribution.
USA, India, Tanzania, Kenya, Denmark
Multiple clients

1986/87: Communication adviser and video producer for development agencies, the Danish Ministry of Labour, the Danish Labour Movement, SAS and other private companies.   Work included:

  • Production of a series of documentaries from India on tea pickers & unions, and from UN forum Nairobi ’85 on women’s use of communication in Africa,
  • Videoconferencing as alternative to flying? Missions for SAS to USA, researching, documenting and reporting,
  • Closed-circuit radio in Copenhagen housing estate to stem violence and empower people: research, facilitation of participatory processes, reporting,
  • Lectures and teaching based on UN women’s conference – issues, showing own documentaries in a number of European countries,
  • Giving video courses for unemployed women as tool to find self-confidence, way.
City TV, Copenhagen
1985/86: TV reporter, Daily news production on small community TV station based in the Danish Labour Movement. Responsible for research, reporting, editing, anchoring.
TV Bornholm, the Danish Labour Movement
1984/85: TV producer, Denmark’s first community TV station. Part of six person team working with all aspects of TV production. Participated in the development of formats for relevant community TV production; Part of the team producing daily news programmes, features and documentaries. Worked on both sides of the camera. Carried out training for production teams of new community TV stations
Nordic Secretariat for Cultural Co-operation
1984: Cultural consultant, responsible for the establishment of a Nordic Documentation Centre for Children’s Culture.
Europe-focus: mission to most European countries
1982/83: Researcher, coordinator, Advice on policy issues and comments on productions and materials. Organisation of AMARC events like conferences, workshops, training sessions. Member of steering committee of the founding AMARC conference, Montréal 1983.

EMPOWERHOUSE publications on Research and Teaching, Training and Conference Facilitation include:

2015 “Quand des voix construisent la communauté: Radios communautaires et empowerment”, par Birgitte Jallov, in Marie-France Soleil (ed.): “Vingt-cinq années et une vie”. Karthage.
2014 “Reflections on a two-week global LinkedIn debate: Community participation for radio financial sustainability” by Birgitte Jallov and A. Sofie Jannusch, In: Glocal Times, # 21.
2014 “With the FM system in your Pocket – informing, entertaining, saving lives!” by Birgitte Jallov. An MICT pamphlet on Radio in Development. MICT.
2012 “EMPOWERMENT RADIO – Voices building a community”, by Birgitte Jallov, 236 pages, Published by EMPOWERHOUSE.
2010 “How-to Note” on Freedom of Expression and Independent Media, Published by Danida
2010 “Communication for Empowerment – Information and communication audit”. Research reports individually from Mozambique, Madagascar, Ghana, Lao PDR, Nepal, ed. Birgitte Jallov. CFSC Consortium and UNDP
2009 “Getting your support to community media right” and “Community Research for Community Media Sustainability” in “Community Media Sustainability Guide: The Business of Changing Lives”, Internews, 2009
2008 “Now we are seen as real human beings” and “Setting agenda of public concern” in: “Whose Voices – Media and Pluralism in the Context of Democratization”. Uppsala University, Sweden
2007 “Most Significant change. A tool to document community radio impact” in: Measuring Change. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Media and Development Cooperation. CAMECO, 2007
2007 “Women & Community Radio in Mozambique” Feminist Media Studies, Sept ‘07
2007 “Pioneering Community-run Radio in Laos: The Khoun Community Radio Station” Photo Essay in: MAZI 14, the electronic newsletter of the CFSC Consortium.
2006 “Voice, participation and empowerment – using community radio”. Report to the World Bank Institute.
2005 “Assessing community change: development of a ‘bare foot’ impact assessment methodology” in: Radio Journal Vol. 3.1, July 2005.
2004 “Community Radio for Empowerment and Change” in: Journal for Development Communication, December 2004
2004 “Participation by Community Radios in Civic Education and Electoral Coverage. The Experience of the Community Radios in Mozambique’s 2003 Local Elections. Specific Cases of: Dondo, Chimoio and Cuamba” by Acia Sales. Commissioned, designed and supervised by Birgitte Jallov on behalf of UNESCO Mozambique
2003 “Creating and Sustaining ICT Projects in Mozambique”, in “The One to Watch -Radio, new ICTs and interactivity”, FAO.
2001 “Creating Sustainable Community Radio – a Major Challenge”, Mozambique
1999 “Community Radio Mushrooming in Mozambique”, Interradio, AMARC
1996 “Women’s Voices Crossing Frontiers – 1996 European Directory of Women Community Radio Stations and Women’s Radio Production Collectives”, editor and writer of Introductory article. Published by AMARC Europe.
1995 “Using Communication Techniques to Diversify Women’s Training a Employment.” A manual with video examples. ILO, Geneva.
1992 “Women on the Air – Community Radio as a Tool for Feminist Messages” In ‘The People’s Voice’ ed. by Nick Jankowski, Ole Prehn and James Stappers.
1986 “Village Video for Women” and “Women will have to Reinvent Communication”. Publications of: “ KULU-Women & Development”.
1983 “Women on the Air”. On Women and Community Radio in Europe. RUC
1982 “A counter-image in Sound. A method for Empowering Radio Production for Women.” Thesis. Roskilde University Centre.