Strategic Communication for Action, Change and Empowerment

Strategic Communication for Action, Change and Empowerment is at the core of the EMPOWERHOUSE mandate and experience. EMPOWERHOUSE works to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations, community media, independent media and institutions to use communication effectively as a means to reach their constituents and achieve their objectives. While the effect of communication may be hard isolate and document, the absence of it is often the reason for enormous potential for change and development lost.

EMPOWERHOUSE works with Strategic Communication in the following ways:

  • Building capacity within organisations to use communication strategically to strengthen achievement of set objectives and to ensure effective action and change,
  • Assist organisations in their design of a communication strategy based on needs assessment among target audiences, training needs analysis of its staff for implementing the strategy, building capacity of staff, formulating the strategy with clear targets and objectives, and with practical work plans,
  • Support organisations and programmes in design, planning and implementation of communication for development strategies – to ensure active participants engagement,
  • Coach organisations in their implementation and continuous adaptation of their communication strategies and provide sparring in elaboration of productions, processes and events,
  • Train trainers who will be responsible for strategic communication training.


The EMPOWERHOUSE portfolio of Strategic Communication includes the following:

2020: Lead responsible for developing training course for CSOs in ‘Advocacy Communication’ an ‘Internal Communication and Coordination’. Trained a Coalition of CSOs working in the fields of GBV and women’s rights advocacy, resulting in advanced drafts of strategies for internal communication; Advocacy and external communication.
2020: Lead responsible for developing training course for CSOs in ‘Advocacy Communication’ an ‘Internal Communication and Coordination’. Trained a Platform of CSOs working in the fields of GBV and women’s rights advocacy, resulting in advanced drafts of strategies for internal communication; Advocacy and external communication.
2019: Responsible for developing training course for CSOs in ‘Communication and Visibility’, strategic communication. Trained five CSOs working in the fields of environment, legal advocacy, economic development and LGBTI rights.
SE Asia
2017: Prepare, facilitate and follow-up upon a workshop on development of Communication and Visibility strategies, as well as moderation of management review and development of network programme of the six participating journalism training institutes.<
2017: Facilitate participatory review process of strategic plan and support finalisation of updated strategy. Develop public version of the Annual Report.
Malmö University
2016: Plan and facilitate 2-day workshop on ‘Communication Planning for Action and Change’
2016: Plan and facilitate update of communication strategy: 2-day workshop with UAEITI secretariat and 3-day workshop with UAEITI civil society partners
2015: Facilitation of finalisation of Nigeria’s EITI communication strategy, elaboration of detailed work plan and ToT for NEITI Communication Focal Points
2015: Monitoring of progress of implementation of communication strategy and ToT for facilitators to lead the communication strategy in the districts (June)
2015: Facilitation of finalisation of Ukraine’s EITI communication strategy and elaboration of detailed work plan and budget (February)
Moldova, Kyrgyz Republic, Tanzania
Swiss Development Cooperation
2014/2015: SDC 2015 Effectiveness Report on Health 2000-2013, Responsible for communication strategy, public report, films and related products to the parliament, civil society and general public
2014: Development of a C4D strategy for Pesticide Risk Management in Mozambique
2014: Planning, organisation and moderation of a 5 day Training of Trainers for CSOs from Yemen on strategic communication
2014: Development of a manual for CSOs in Yemen on Strategic Communication and Campaign Planning, Training of Trainers guide and tools
2013: Development and implementation of a workshop with tailored materials and coach Civil Society Organisations on Strategic Campaign and Communication Planning
2013: Advice and support to ECOWAS management in the mapping of the status of ECOWAS corporate identity and support in formulating a way forward for a strong corporate identity, culture and brand/image.
2013: Revision of draft training materials and implementation of training of national experts on how to develop and implement a communication strategy for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
2013: Preparation of draft training materials and implementation of training of national experts on how to develop and implement a communication strategy for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
2013: Development of Guideline for strategic communication within Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and training materials based on guide
Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi
ADRA Denmark
2012: Midterm review of C4D project using radio to curb violence against women
Triple Line in Consortium with Crown Agents for DFID
2012: Design of Knowledge Management Systems, Communication & Outreach Strategies at inception of 5-year ‘Health Sector Accountability Project’
ADRA Denmark
2011/12: Support of ADRA Burundi in the design and implementation of an overall partnership, communication, and sustainability strategy; assistance to projects design, exit and sustainability strategies
ADRA Denmark
2011: Evaluation: Breaking the silence. Children engage in dialogue on HIV/AIDS through radio
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre
2010: Support to finalisation of policy note on Communication for Empowerment
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre
2010: Participation in fifth and final national stakeholder forum with a focus on communication for empowerment and community radio.
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre
2010: Contribute to meeting on elaboration of Global Report based on the past 3 years of work on piloting and elaborating tool on Communication for Empowerment
COWI-Austral, Mozambique
2009: Development of new district communication strategies for civil society participation and empowerment. Participation in annual review seminar.
Global – Pilot research to Mozambique, Madagascar, Ghana, Lao PDR, Nepal
CFSC Consortium and UNDP Oslo Governance Centre
2007 – 2009: Project management and in-country coordination, pilot testing ’Communication for Empowerment’ methodology; elaboration of national ’Information & Communication Audits’ in three African and two-three Asian countries.
UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre
2009: Initiate C4E process in Ghana, work with UNDP country office on concept, aim and approach. Field work in Ada district. Continued coaching of national team from home.
Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi
2006: Lake Victoria Programme: Evaluation of 4 year regional training programme in environmental journalism at Makerere University: Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania.
2005 – 2007: Initiation, development and coordination of international background group to facilitate inclusion of CFSC thinking and practice in on-going national processes of strategic communication; workshops to assist the National AIDS Council.

1998 – 2004: Chief Technical Adviser, Media Development Project in Mozambique (Ø Developed a communication strategy for the project including internal and external communication. Externally, the sensitive political environment made careful management communication central to the continued space for operation. Elements of communication strategy included: monthly newsletter, active and continually updated webpage, regular events presenting project activities and informal contact with decision makers in government, donors ,CSØ Supported the development of effective communication strategies, concepts and implementation plans within among others the following areas:o      Independent print media sectoro      Community Radio – one by one and National Network FORCOM

o      Media houses

o      National HIV/AIDS communication strategy

o      Within sustainability strategies in various contexts

Russia (Kaliningrad)
County of Bornholm, Denmark
1997: Development of Communication training   for Public Administration in Kaliningrad. Fact finding mission to Kaliningrad with Training Needs Analysis, development of training materials, testing, adaptation, test of ToT programme.
County of Bornholm, Denmark
1997: Creation of Information Unit in ‘Adult Education and Information Centre’, Dobele County. Assistance in identification of information needs, creation of information strategy. Training in communication planning and public information strategies, and public information and campaigns.
DanEduc Consulting
1992 – 1993: Head of Unit, Responsible for developing DanEduc Consulting’s communication support activities. Activities included: Manual for the ILO on Communication use for Women’s Entry into Non-traditional Training and Trades with AV examples on video. Monitoring mission to Danida funded Water and Sanitation project in Uganda to review PSC activities. Backstopped development communication and gender aspects of on-going projects. Coordinated presentation of Company course offers.
1989 – 1992: Head of Communication for Development Unit. Built participatory concepts and communication strategies into ILO projects. Developed courses & trained ILO staff. Coaching & leadership for field implementation of communication strategies (Asia, Africa, MENA).Selected activities:– Backstopped and carried out analysis, advisory and evaluation missions of up to five weeks duration to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Swaziland in connection with a project on “Improved Livelihood of Disabled Women: a promotional, regional project for Southern Africa”.- Planned and implemented part of a Regional Seminar on Diversification of Women’s Training and Employment – in the South Asian Countries of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
1988 – 1989: Press department, Covered ILO activities in Africa in writing, regular contribution to ILO radio programmes and TV. Responsible for regular column in ILO magazine.

EMPOWERHOUSE publications on Strategic Communication for Action include:

2015 “Strategic Communication for Action and Change” A reader. By Birgitte Jallov. Published by EMPOWERHOUSE
2014 “Preparing and Managing Public Campaigns – with Particular Emphasis on Freedom of Expression in Yemen” by Birgitte Jallov. 158 pages, Published by GIZ.
2014 “Preparing and Managing Public Campaigns with Particular Emphasis on Freedom of Expression in Yemen – A Guide for Workshop Facilitators” by Birgitte Jallov, 59 pages, Published by GIZ.
2003 “Creating and Sustaining ICT Projects in Mozambique”, in “The One to Watch -Radio, new ICTs and interactivity”, FAO.
1982 “A counter-image in Sound. A method for Empowering Radio Production for Women.” Thesis. Roskilde University Centre.