Documentary films about:
Media Development in Mozambique
Where nothing else is mentioned, the films are presented English versions.
- Community Waves – Kick-starting the Development of Community-owned and Community-managed Community Radio in Mozambique (2001) →
- Listen to the Women – Women in the Media in Mozambique (2002) →
- The Challenges of Sustainable Growth – the dilemma of small newspapers outside Maputo! (2003) →
- The Women’s Community – on Creation of a Women’s Community Radio Network in Mozambique (2004) →
- FORCOM, Mozambique’s Forum of Community Radio Stations. An Exercise in Democracy (2005) →
- Community Waves – five years later (2006) →
Community Waves – Starting Community-owned Radio (60 min
This documentary follows the first important stage of developing the foundation for real community-owned media within the ‘Media Project’: community mobilisation of three first partner communities one from the south, from the centre and the north of the country.
“Community Waves” follows the first two and a half years of mobilising the three communities in question, supporting them in their efforts to set up associations, to draft strategic plans, to train the large groups of volunteers, in both formal and informal programmes, and to acquire physical installations and equipment. Towards the end of the film, the equipment begins to arrive in the quite impatient communities.
This history is also available in this book written by Faruco Sadique.
Listen to the Women – Women in the Media in Mozambique (2002)
In ‘Listen to the Women’ 6 women journalists from Mozambique, through their stories show that in 2003 a woman’s place was still considered to be in the home, and that women working in the media were considered invading men’s turf. Through personal choices and struggles – only one of the 6 women is still in a relationship – the women interviewed share why they find it so important that a woman’s place is also in the media.
‘Listen to the Women!’ A 2003 documentary about women in the media in Mozambique. The film is partly based on the research report: ‘”Let Women have a Say Too. Why are so few women in the media? Why are women’s views not reflected in the media?” Mozambique. 2003. Ruth Ayisi with Birgitte Jallov. (42 Minutes)
The Challenges of Sustainable Growth – the dilemma of small newspapers outside Maputo! (2003)
The Women’s Community – on Creation of a Women’s Community Radio Network in Mozambique (2004)
This documentary covers the issues women in 2003 were faced with when wanting to engage: many were shy and uncertain about the technical and content aspects; others were not allowed by their husbands to work outside of the house. The vivid discussion during the festival is in the documentary intertwined with an interview by one of the radio women with the UNESCO/UNDP project’s manager, Birgitte Jallov, who was the behind-the-scenes initiator of the women’s festival and in the project’s work with community media.
This Portuguese original of ‘A Women’s Community’ takes you to Mozambique, 2003, where women from the country’s then 42 community radio stations met to share experiences and ways of strengthening women in community media in Mozambique through the creation of a national network. (23 minutes)
Read more about the seminar and about women in community media in Mozambique in April 2003.
FORCOM, Mozambique’s Forum of Community Radio Stations. An Exercise in Democracy (2005)
Community Waves – five years later (2006)
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EMPOWERHOUSE’s Birgitte Jallov has since her academic work on the liberating potential of radio for women: “A counter Image in Sound” (Roskilde University 1982, MA thesis) continued to document her experience and thinking as a ‘reflected practitioner’ in the area of media development, press freedom and communication for development – always with a strong focus on the situation, role and potential of women. Many of her books and articles are included in this overview.
Birgitte Jallov, EMPOWERHOUSE, is a story teller with a lot to share. Birgitte has done this in writing and through documentary films. While she did all in her early films from preparation, filming to editing and distribution, Birgitte has in her latest films been the initiator, script writer, fund raiser and producer. Birgitte has served on several film jurys in the area of films for development. The list of her main titles is just a click away.