Community Radio

EMPOWERHOUSE was originally created by Birgitte Jallov as an initiative to meet the needs in and around the development of sustainable community radio. EMPOWERHOUSE continues to engage with this important work, empowering community radios and their networks to reach their full potential as a motor for transforming communities through people-centred development.


Visit the Community Media Universe here!

EMPOWERHOUSE has seen and documented how, as a result of community radio:

  • women have found a new and stronger role in their community – and have been beaten up a lot less;
  • communities have gone from an annual cholera death toll of 300 to zero after a community radio went on air and the community took the advice serious;
  • people living with AIDS have gained new hope and recognition in the community – and better lives;
  • corrupt politicians have been brought to account by the community and actually provided the electricity or road or other asset that their embezzlement had stopped from being realised.

EMPOWERHOUSE works with Community Radio/Media in the following ways:

  • Researching, mapping and presenting media landscapes and enabling frameworks for Community Media development, legal reform, advocacy and action
  • Developing a sustainable framework through holistic, participatory planning and capacity building including aspects of social, organisational and financial sustainability
  • Management and Organisational strengthening matching the local realities, plans and potential for community media and their networks. Focus on in-house, holistic capacity building, and training.
  • Evaluating, reviewing and assessing impact of community media and advising on ways forward.

CR phases matrix Generic phases of community radio development used by EMPOWERHOUSE for planning, diagnostics and evaluation from: ‘EMPOWERMENT RADIO – Voices building a Community’ by Birgitte Jallov (2012)


The EMPOWERHOUSE portfolio of Community Radio/Media experience includes the following:

Tanzania UNESCO 2018: Follow-up to 2017 start-up process for capacity building of community radio stations: Prepare 2 training packages including manuals, slides, tools, exercises and notes for facilitators on Management and Organisation with Strategic Planning for Community Media; as well as one on Communication and Visibility.
Tanzania UNESCO 2017: Develop UNESCO’s capacity building programme for Community Radio Stations in Tanzania. Responsible for Needs Assessment of 18 stations in preparation of capacity building programme. Facilitate participatory workshop with UNESCO team, potential future trainers and mentors as well as the new Tanzanian community media network
Tanzania UNESCO 2017: Carry out assessment and evaluation of consulting companies bidding to carry out strategic planning exercise for a new Network of Community Radio stations. Advise to community media unit on development of capacity building programme
Zimbabwe Fojo Media Institute 2016/17: Facilitate participatory processes to formulate strategic plan and core organisation policies with the Zimbabwe Association of Community Radios
Myanmar Fojo/IMS 2016/17: Formulate two concept papers for a media development project. One outlining a contextual, strategic and systematic approach to work with advancement of Community Radio in Myanmar; another one outlining an approach to carry out pilot start-up of gender-focused community radio in rural areas of Myanmar.
Myanmar UNDP 2015-2016: Develop an interlinked package of documentation to consolidate partner support to development of community radio (CR) in Myanmar: CR Start-up Strategy – on the potential role of CR in Myanmar; Framework for a CR working group; CR development charter; Training kit for ‘Community initiators’
Zimbabwe Fojo Media Institute 2015: Development of manual for sustainability of rural community radio, conducting a workshop for community radio management in Zimbabwe.
Ghana td width=”75″ 2015: Support in planning of global conference, lead presenter in Gender Panel and Sustainability Panel. Convenor of workshops on Gender and CR sustainability
Myanmar IMS 2015: Preparation, facilitation and reporting on the first ever national community radio conference, launching the concept and ensuring civil society engagement with initial ideas and plans for how this can become a strong CS voice in Myanmarc.
Jordan UNESCO 2015: Facilitation of Media Development workshop with Radio professionals, developing a framework and roadmap for development of a 3-tier democratic broadcasting environment in Jordan.
Tanzania UNESCO 2015: Adviser and QA for strengthening national community radio strategy and capacity building of national community radio network and its members
Liberia                          Equal Access 2015: Mapping of community radio and development of an approach for strengthening a sustainable community radio sector.
Zimbabwe                          Fojo Media Institute 2015: Development of a sustainability strategy for and with ZACRAS, the Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations. Organisational development for effective fundraising and development of broad funding mix.
Zimbabwe Fojo Media Institute 2014: Planning, organisation and facilitation of advanced community radio management workshop for all community radio initiatives in Zimbabwe. Support of Federation of African Media Women, Zimbabwe in proposal writing, LFA, etc.
Germany CAMECO 2014: Planning, organisation and moderation of a 10 day online debate on Community Radio Sustainability in French, English and Spanish on different social media platforms
Denmark International Media Support 2014: Analysis of IMS’ past practice in support to radio, and assistance to IMS in clarifying future strategic focus and priorities based on lessons learnt
Lao PDR UNDP 2013/14: Review of Lao PDR’s civil society, community communication programme, carry out impact assessment of community radios and develop concept note for new phase
Mozambique IREX 2013: Development of Community Radio Strategy, Implementation plan and Sustainability Guide for major USAid Media Strengthening Programme in Moz.
India Options 2013: Support to health programme Community Radio policy/ strategy development
Denmark EMPOWERHOUSE 2012: Training manager, marketing, fundraising, producer and trainer for Online training: “How to turn voices into community radio?“
Zimbabwe Fojo Media Institute 2012 – 2014: Management of the Swedish Media Development Support to Zimbabwe
Nepal UNDP Oslo Governance Centre 2010: Participation in in fifth and final national stakeholder forum with a focus on communication for empowerment and community radio.
Germany CAMECO 2009: Development of M&E focused Media Development Wiki: part of expert team, present tool at int’l conference, moderate workshop on community radio and M&E
Germany CAMECO 2009: Participation in a ‘Media expert panel’ advising on Wiki on C4D and ‘Measuring Change’.
Lao PDR UNDP 2009: Coaching of radio staff, volunteers: partnership strategy, community research, formation of community radio network, guide on ‘Community Research, Impact Assessment’
Lao PDR UNDP Oslo Governance Centre / UNDP Bangkok Regional Office 2009: Presentation of global C4E perspectives and ‘About Community Radio’ in C4E national stakeholder validation conference and a workshop on future C4E strategy
Lao PDR UNDP 2009: Review of project and assessment of impact and sustainability of Laos’ first community-run community radio. Facilitation of update of radio’s strategic plan.
Lao PDR UNDP 2007/08: Facilitation of the establishment of a sound and sustainable basis for community radio in Laos including the participatory development of a strategic plan. Support to the preparation of an international Community Radio Seminar and the official launch of the radio. Seminar coordinator and main technical speaker. Seminar report.
Lao PDR UNDP 2007/08: Evaluation of pilot community radio in Laos and elaboration of strategic roll out plan for Laos. Strategic advice on role of UNDP, overall funding & partnerships.
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda SIDA 2006/07: Impact Assessment of three ‘East African Community Radio Project’ Stations: Based on “Most Significant Change” methodology:3 in-depth change-story reports from: a Maasai radio in Tanzania, a Kenyan Women’s radio, a Ugandan rural radio. (Download here )
Mozambique FORCOM, Forum for community radio in Mozambique 2006: Institutional coaching and organizational support – Ongoing general advice and support, among others QA support for Austrian funding.
Mozambique UNICEF and FORCOM 2006: Organizational Set-up and Procedures’ Manual Mozambique for community radio network/FORCOM.
Mozambique Austrian Develop-ment Cooperation 2006: Impact Assessment and Review of ‘Rádio Comunitária do Búzi’ in Sofala province, including extensive desk study on ‘state of the art’ of community radio in development
Mozambique UNESCO 1998 – 2004: Chief Technical Adviser, Media Development Project in Mozambique ( strategies, concepts and implementation methods for:o      Community Radio – one by one and as a cooperating sector o      Participatory strategic management coaching of media houses o      Strategies for strengthening the role of women in community media o      Strengthened HIV/AIDS coverage in community media including development of national HIV/AIDS communication strategy o      Sustainability and Partnership strategies in various contexts
Europe focus AMARC Europe 1996: Editor and writer of Introductory article of “Women’s Voices Crossing Frontiers – 1996 European Directory of Women Community Radio Stations and Women’s Radio Production Collectives”, Published by AMARC
Denmark Sokkelund Radio – Women’s Waves 1981-1984: Co-initiator of Women’s Community Radio Collective in Copenhagen Grassroots radio station (first Danish Community Radio station). Co-editor of weekly women’s programme. Host of daily morning programme: ”Good Morning, Copenhagen”. Carried out a number of radio training courses for new recruits – both on radio production in general and on specialised issues such as in-depth interview techniques, Feminist Journalism.

EMPOWERHOUSE publications on Community Radio/Media include:

2015 “Quand des voix construisent la communauté: Radios communautaires et empowerment”, par Birgitte Jallov, in Marie-France Soleil (ed.): “Vingt-cinq années et une vie”. Karthage.
2014 “Reflections on a two-week global LinkedIn debate: Community participation for radio financial sustainability” by Birgitte Jallov and A. Sofie Jannusch, In: Glocal Times, # 21.
2014 “With the FM system in your Pocket – informing, entertaining, saving lives!” by Birgitte Jallov. An MICT pamphlet on Radio in Development. MICT.
2012 “EMPOWERMENT RADIO – Voices building a community”, by Birgitte Jallov, 236 pages, Published by EMPOWERHOUSE.
2012 “How can the internet and social media contribute to community communication for empowerment?” in: “Social Media in Development Cooperation”, Ørecomm, 2012
2011 “Communication for Empowerment”, in Measuring Change II. Planning, M&E in Media and Development Cooperation. CAMECO, 2011
2012 “EMPOWERMENT RADIO – Voices building a community”, by Birgitte Jallov, 236 pages, Published by EMPOWERHOUSE.
2010 “How-to Note” on Freedom of Expression and Independent Media, Published by Danida
2009 “Getting your support to community media right” and “Community Research for Community Media Sustainability” in “Community Media Sustainability Guide: The Business of Changing Lives”, Internews, 2009
2008 “Now we are seen as real human beings” and “Setting agenda of public concern” in: “Whose Voices – Media and Pluralism in the Context of Democratization”. Uppsala University, Sweden
2007 “Most Significant change. A tool to document community radio impact” in: Measuring Change. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Media and Development Cooperation. CAMECO, 2007
2007 “Women & Community Radio in Mozambique” Feminist Media Studies, Sept ‘07
2007 “Pioneering Community-run Radio in Laos: The Khoun Community Radio Station” Photo Essay in: MAZI 14, the electronic newsletter of the CFSC Consortium.
2006 “Voice, participation and empowerment – using community radio”. Report to the World Bank Institute.
2005 “Assessing community change: development of a ‘bare foot’ impact assessment methodology” in: Radio Journal Vol. 3.1, July 2005.
2004 “Community Radio for Empowerment and Change” in: Journal for Development Communication, December 2004
2004 “Participation by Community Radios in Civic Education and Electoral Coverage. The Experience of the Community Radios in Mozambique’s 2003 Local Elections. Specific Cases of: Dondo, Chimoio and Cuamba” by Acia Sales. Commissioned, designed and supervised by Birgitte Jallov on behalf of UNESCO Mozambique
2003 “Creating and Sustaining ICT Projects in Mozambique”, in “The One to Watch -Radio, new ICTs and interactivity”, FAO.
2001 “Creating Sustainable Community Radio – a Major Challenge”, Mozambique
1999 “Community Radio Mushrooming in Mozambique”, Interradio, AMARC
1996 “Women’s Voices Crossing Frontiers – 1996 European Directory of Women Community Radio Stations and Women’s Radio Production Collectives”, editor and writer of Introductory article. Published by AMARC Europe.
1995 “Using Communication Techniques to Diversify Women’s Training a Employment.”A manual with video examples. ILO, Geneva.
1992 “Women on the Air – Community Radio as a Tool for Feminist Messages” In ‘The People’s Voice’ ed. by Nick Jankowski, Ole Prehn and James Stappers.
1986 “Village Video for Women” and “Women will have to Reinvent Communication”. Publications of: “ KULU-Women & Development”.
1983 “Women on the Air”. On Women and Community Radio in Europe. RUC
1982 “A counter-image in Sound. A method for Empowering Radio Production for Women.” Thesis. Roskilde University Centre.