Women on the Air in Europe 1983 – a walk down memory lane?

Women on the air – Women in (Community) Radio in Europe. A 1983 radio documentary, a directory – and for Birgitte Jallov (photo from then) a lifelong commitment – and the early roots of this podcast series.

Women on the Global Community Airwaves

Women on the global community airwaves is a podcast series bringing you stories told by women around the world working to strengthen women’s voices on airwaves within their own community media. The stories are brought to you by me, Birgitte Jallov, who have worked with these issues for a lifetime. The women tell about why it is so important that women get a voice and what it means for the producers, the listeners and the community contributing. Much more here →

This podcast is a recording of my cassette bringing you the sounds and the atmosphere of what women’s community radio in 1983 in Europe was. The directory and the travel before that are the earliest known attempt to systematically document women’s engagement in (community) radio in (Western) Europe in the early 80s (1983). You can dive into the directory here – and understand the framework and background in this article invited for a centennial celebration by women in UK on the occasion of BBC’s 100 year. All I can say is – enjoy! And come join us!